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Text-To-Speech (TTS)


The Text-to-Speech (TTS) module is a FastAPI service that provides real-time synthesis of text to speech using multiple TTS providers. This module establishes a WebSocket connection to receive text input and returns synthesized speech in binary format.


  • URL: /api/v1/ws
  • Method: GET
  • Protocol: WebSocket


  • Header: None required for the WebSocket connection itself.
  • Environment Variables:
    • TTS_PROVIDER: Specifies the TTS provider to use (default: "elevenlabs")
    • Provider-specific API keys and settings (see Environment Variables section)


Upon connecting to the WebSocket endpoint, the server initializes the specified TTS provider and prepares to handle incoming messages.


The server handles JSON messages to initiate or cancel the text-to-speech synthesis process.

JSON Messages

  • Format: JSON
  • Fields:
    • action: "synthesize" or "cancel"
    • text: The text content to be synthesized (required if action is "synthesize")


"action": "synthesize",
"text": "Hello, how can I assist you today?"



  • Description: Triggered when a message is received from the client.
  • Parameters:
    • message: The message data (JSON)

Handling Synthesize Messages:

  • If action is "synthesize", the server will begin the synthesis process and stream the resulting audio data back to the client.

Handling Cancel Messages:

  • If action is "cancel", the server will cancel any ongoing synthesis tasks.


  • Description: Triggered when the client closes the connection.

Server Responses

Binary Responses

  • Format: Binary data (audio data)
  • Description: The synthesized speech audio data is sent in chunks as it is received from the TTS provider.

JSON Responses

  • Format: JSON
  • Fields:
    • action: Indicates completion with "done"


"action": "done"

Error Handling

  • If the TTS provider connection fails or an error occurs during synthesis, the server logs the error and closes the WebSocket connection.
  • The server caches synthesized audio to avoid redundant processing for identical text inputs.

Environment Variables

  • TTS_PROVIDER: Specifies the TTS provider to use (default: "elevenlabs")
  • TTS_SAMPLE_RATE: Specifies the sample rate for the TTS output (default: 24000Hz)
  • ElevenLabs:
    • ELEVENLABS_API_KEY: API key for ElevenLabs authentication
    • ELEVENLABS_VOICE_ID: Voice ID for the ElevenLabs TTS service
    • ELEVENLABS_MODEL_ID: Model ID for ElevenLabs (default: "eleven_turbo_v2.5")
    • ELEVENLABS_VOICE_STABILITY: Voice stability setting (default: 0.9)
    • ELEVENLABS_VOICE_SIMILARITY: Voice similarity setting (default: 0.9)
  • OpenAI:
    • OPENAI_API_KEY: API key for OpenAI authentication
    • OPENAI_TTS_MODEL: OpenAI TTS model to use (default: "tts-1")
    • OPENAI_TTS_VOICE: OpenAI TTS voice to use (default: "alloy")
  • Deepgram:
    • DG_API_KEY: API key for Deepgram authentication
    • DG_TTS_MODEL_VOICE: Deepgram TTS model and voice (default: "aura-asteria-en")
  • Cartesia:
    • CARTESIA_API_KEY: API key for Cartesia authentication
    • CARTESIA_VOICE_ID: Voice ID for the Cartesia TTS service
    • CARTESIA_MODEL_ID: Model ID for Cartesia (default: "sonic-english")
    • CARTESIA_VERSION: API version for Cartesia (default: "2024-06-10")
  • CACHE_DIR: Directory for caching audio data (default: "cache")

Supported TTS Providers

  1. ElevenLabs
  2. OpenAI
  3. Deepgram
  4. Cartesia

Technical Details

TTS Interface

The TTS service uses an abstract base class TTSInterface that defines the common interface for all TTS providers. Each provider implements this interface with the following abstract methods:

class TTSInterface(ABC):
async def initialize(self):
"""Initialize the TTS service."""

async def synthesize(self, text: str):
"""Synthesize text to audio and yield audio chunks."""

async def close(self):
"""Close the connection to the service."""

def is_open(self) -> bool:
"""Check if the connection is open."""

Example Usage

Connecting to the WebSocket:

const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8002/api/v1/ws');

socket.onopen = () => {
console.log('Connection opened');

socket.onmessage = (event) => {
if (typeof === 'string') {
const message = JSON.parse(;
if (message.action === 'done') {
console.log('Synthesis completed');
} else {
console.log('Received binary audio data');
// Handle audio data (e.g., play it or save it)

socket.onclose = (event) => {
console.log('Connection closed');

socket.onerror = (error) => {
console.error('WebSocket error:', error);

Sending a Synthesize Message:

const message = {
action: 'synthesize',
text: 'Hello, how can I assist you today?'

Sending a Cancel Message:

const message = {
action: 'cancel'

This documentation provides an overview of the Text-to-Speech WebSocket API, including connection details, message formats, events, supported providers, and example usage. The API supports multiple TTS providers and includes configuration options through environment variables.