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Run the Shopify Application

This application allows you to chat and interact with Shopify stores. There are two sample UIs in the application: a pizza store and an apparel store. It requires you to have a Shopify shop and API credentials.

Store Configuration

To get started with the quick service restaurant agent, you need to create a Shopify shop.

Sign Up for Shopify and Create a Shop

Go to the Shopify website and sign up for a new account by clicking Start free trial. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your shop. You can learn more on the Shopify getting started page. For this tutorial, a blank shop is all you will need to continue.

Import Products

As soon as you create the store, Shopify will ask you to import some products. You can make your own products, or you can use the products we have provided in the config/shopify/pizza-store.csv file here.

If you skipped the onboarding and you have no products in the store, do the following: to import the products to your shop, navigate to the admin link of your Shopify Shop ( and click on Products in the left-hand menu. Then click on Import and upload the pizza-store.csv file from your computer.

Generate API Credentials

In this section, we will generate four specific Shopify variables which are needed for the xRx Shopify agent: SHOPIFY_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_TOKEN, SHOPIFY_SHOP, and SHOPIFY_SHOP_GID.

Start by configuring the API scopes for your shop

  • Navigate to the Shopify admin panel. This will be a url like{your_shop_name}.
  • Go to Settings and click on Apps and sales channels.
  • Click on Develop apps.
  • Click on Allow custom app development, and again click on Allow custom app development.
  • Click on Create an app.
  • Enter a name for your app, such as xRx App and click on Create app.
  • On the next page, click on Configure Admin API scopes.
  • Select the Read and write option and click on Continue.
  • In the example solution, the minimum scopes are read_products, write_draft_orders, read_draft_orders, write_orders, and read_orders.
  • Scroll down and click on Save.

Next you need to generate your API key, token, and shop name (SHOPIFY_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_TOKEN, SHOPIFY_SHOP).

  • Go to the API credentials tab.
  • Scroll down to API key and secret key, and note down the "API key" This is the SHOPIFY_API_KEY.
  • Click on Install app to generate an access token.
  • Click on Reveal token once and note down the SHOPIFY_TOKEN. It should start with shpat_.
  • On the upper left of the screen, you should see the url for the shop. For example, Note down the first part of the url, for example, abc123-def. This is the SHOPIFY_SHOP.

Lastly, you need your shop's global identifier (SHOPIFY_SHOP_GID). This is a bit harder to find.

Option 1: use the Shopify admin api. Here is a curl command which you can run to get the shop's global ID. Note that the SHOPIFY_TOKEN is the same as the one you generated above and the SHOPIFY_SHOP is the same as the one you noted down. This command will produce a JSON object which contains a string that says "gid://shopify/Shop/1234". The 1234 is the global ID.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-Shopify-Access-Token: $SHOPIFY_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"query": "{ shop { id } }"}' \

Option 2: go to the shop admin page, create an order, go to the order page and the url in the address bar will be in the format of The 123456789 is the global ID SHOPIFY_SHOP_GID.

Important Check: if you do not have your SHOPIFY_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_TOKEN, SHOPIFY_SHOP, and SHOPIFY_SHOP_GID ready, please return to the top of this section and continue from there.

Set up the .env file

If you have already configured xRx with a .env file, skip this step. If you are new to xRx, you just need to activate and update the .env example present in the Shopify agent application folder.

Update the .env file with the following:

  • Update the SHOPIFY_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_TOKEN, SHOPIFY_SHOP, and SHOPIFY_SHOP_GID environment variables with the values you noted down in the above steps.
  • Update the additional environment variables. Documentation on this can be found in the Quick Start section.
  • Update the NEXT_PUBLIC_UI variable with either "pizza-agent" or "shoe-agent" depending on your store.
  • Update the SHOPIFY_STORE_INFO with the name of your shop. This is what the agent will refer to your shop as. We recommend, Shoe Shop based on the products we will be using in this example.
  • Update the SHOPIFY_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_TASK with the task you want the agent to perform. For example:
    SHOPIFY_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_TASK="You are a customer service representative who is 
    helping customers order items from the shop. You are courteous, helpful and concise."

Check Redis Integration

No action is needed for this section if you are using the docker-compose setup and pre-provided .env file.

The quick service restaurant agent uses a Redis container (xrx-redis) to shop and manage task statuses. This allows for efficient, real-time status updates and checks across the distributed system.

If you are using the docker-compose setup, the Redis container will be automatically started and the reasoning agent will be able to use it as long as the environment variable is correctly set as shown below.


If you are running the agent locally outside of docker compose, the reasoning agent will look for a Redis container on the default host (localhost) and port (6379). In order to start that server, you can use the following command:

docker run -d --name redis-server -p 6379:6379 redis

Deploy the Containers

Once you have completed the above steps, you can deploy the containers by running the following command:

docker compose up --build

Enjoy experimenting!